created with

46.882 visitors, 222 events, more than 600 participants from a total of 37 nations, 93,98% of tickets sold for stage productions and concerts – this is the résumé of steirischer herbst festival 2009.
A filmic review of the festival can be found »here

steirischer herbst 2010 will take place 24/09 to 17/10.
On June 15 the programme will be presentet and can be found online here. At the same time ticket sale will start.

Become a partner of steirischer herbst

Already online: The virtual diary Randnotizen (Marginal Notes) 2010: Dath, Lone Twin, Piller & Resetarits note, sketch, photograph ...

Randnotizen : 18/10/2017 : 0 jako by Marie Gamillscheg