Utopia and Monument II
Interventions of the Institute of Contemporary Art

Students of the Institute of Contemporary Art / TU Graz open up the exhibition pavillion of „Utopia and Monument“ with different imputs and events.

Utopia and Monument II – On Virtuosity and the Public Sphere

With thanks to Hans Kupelwieser

Thu 30/09, 4 - 7 pm
Performative Input

Thu 07/10, 4 - 7 pm

Thu 14/10, 4 - 7 pm
Sound & media installation

11/10 - 23/10
Mon - Fri 10 am - 3 pm
Lectures at the pavilion

(Further information is to follow)

Exhibition pavilion: Tummelplatz
Ruby Sircar (D) with students of the Institute of Contemporary Art / TU Graz ias part of the courses "Designing of Specialised Issues" and "Art and the Public Sphere"

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