Showcase Beat e Mot (D)

Established in 1997, the performance- and theatre-collective works in various artistic fields such as theatre, like music, TV, visual arts, literature, sciences and event organisation. The group of four are leading in the way in integrating different pop-cultural media as sports, music, comics, cinema and TV in their pieces and are consistently attracting interest through their humourous approach to dealing with complex political and social issues.
Showcase Bea Le Mot started working for a younger audience with the manga-series "Gomune" (2003/04), the project “Der Räuber Hotzenplotz”" (2007) was awarded at the Impulse Festival with the Price of the Goethe-Institute. In 2009 the production was invited to the children- and youth-theater meeting "Augenblick mal!" Berlin. In their productions "Alarm Hamburg Shanghai" (2005) and "EUROPIRAADID" (2006) the group investigated the fusion possibilities of performance-asthetics, dance and music-theatre, the 2008 production "Vote Zombie Andy Beuyz" toured through Hamburg, Berlin, Dusseldorf, Zurich, Vienna and Copenhagen.
Currently Showcase Beat le Mot are working on an animal theatre trilogy for children („Peterchens Mondfahrt“ 2009, die „Bremer Stadtmusikanten“ 2010 and „animal farm“ 2011). Additionally, Showcase Beat le Mot are completing its cycle "Failed revolutions", of which “PARIS 1871 BONJOUR – C-O-M-M-U-N-E”, which can be seen in this years steirischer herbst festival, is part of.

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