Hannah Hurtzig / Mobile Academy (D)

Since 1999, Hannah Hurtzig has headed the Mobile Academy (Mobile Akademie), an art project with changing focal topics ranging between field research, course offerings, and actionism, opens up spaces for collective learning, production and other new formats of conveying knowledge. The Mobile Academy is stationed at the HAU (Hebbel am Ufer) in Berlin, but projects of the Academy are shown internationally, i.e. TR Warschau 06, Tanzkongress Berlin 06, Istanbul Biennale 07, Wiener Festwochen 08, manifesta7 in Trento 08, the bluecoat Liverpool 08, Dubai / Abu Dhabi und Biennale di Venezia 09, Israeli Center for Digital Art in Jaffa 09 und Dresden 010.
In 2007, steirischer herbst hosted the „Blackmarket for usefull Knowledge and Non-Knowledge No. 8”, involving around 100 experts around the theme “The Gift and Other Violations of the Principle of Exchange.


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