feld72 (A)   

feld72 is a Vienna based collective, consisting of Anne Catherine Fleith, Michael Obrist, Mario Paintner, Richard Scheich and Peter Zoderer. The work of feld72 is set at the interface between architecture, applied urbanism and art. Widening the field of architecture, in addition to concrete planning for construction tasks, the collective also works on the self-initiated project series “Urban Strategies” involving questions of the use and perception of public space. feld72 has created several buildings, urban interventions and studies in the international context.
They have exhibited at the Biennale di Venezia in 2010, 2008 and 2004, the Hongkong / Shenzhen bi-city Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture  in 2009, the Biennial of the Canaries in 2009, the 3rd Triennial for Contemporary Art Guangzhou in 2008, the 7th International Architecture Biennial São Paulo 2007, and at the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam in 2003.
They have also won many awards such as the contractworld award 2010, the City of Vienna's Award for Architecture in 2008, The Chicago Athenaeum International Architecture Award in 2007, the Karl Hofer Award, the Art award of the Berlin University of the Arts in 2003 and the National Award for Experimental Tendencies in Architecture in 2002.


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